Charter internet - have they got a deal for you. What is this deal you ask?
Well the deal is this. They are offering high speed internet for a record low price. This deal also comes with a 30 Day Risk free trial and a $25 Shell Gift Card when you make an Online Order.
This can be the perfect time to bring life to your hoem with Charter. How can you beat reliable service, no long-term contracts, and a special offer so you can try the first 30 days risk-free!
Yes you heard it right! This site will allow visitors to buy high speed internet with speeds as fast as up to 5Mbps for only 14.99/month. Prices are rarely this low for Internet connections with this blazing speed.
You need to hurry though! This is a limited offer. It expires on July 31.
Yes you heard it right earlier! With this offer Charter is also giving away a $25 Shell Gas Gift card when an order is purchased online from this page.
And yes you heard right, the whole deal is free of risk because there is a 30 day window for cancellation.
Other benefits of this offer include:
* fast and reliable Internet speeds available- Get speeds up to 5Mbps to surf up to 90X faster than 56kbps dial- up and 3X as fast as 1.5Mbps DSL!
* Automatic protection from viruses, hackers and spam
* 10 e-mail accounts - enough for the whole family plus 20MB of Web space.
* Download in seconds, not minutes plus a reliable always-on, always-fast connection.
* Exclusive content on get your news, weather, local movie listings and more!
How can you miss with this deal from Charter internet
nice post