Thursday, January 01, 2009

Playing - Where in America is Hillbilly Willy

Willy is playing a little game over on his site "Life in America" called where in America is Hillbilly Willy.

Willy would like more of you to play this game.

But Willy would also like to Cyber Visit all 50 States in the U.S.

Could you help Willy do this.

Print off the picture on the right and take a picture of you holding it along something that would show what state you are in. This could be the sign of a town, a street or a known landmark.

The first one to do this and post to Willy a link to a post of this picture on their blog will get a link back from Willy and Willy may even figure out a prize.

In the mean time, go over to Life in America and Play.

From the Mind of the Mom - seems to have no trouble figuring out Willys Clues and guesses right again that Willy was in Roswell New Mexico on New years day with the Aliens from outer space.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun, Willy. However, guessing where I am would be no problem for you, neighbor!

The Mind of a Mom said...

Yea Me! hehehe
I promise to skip a turn for the next round :o)