Thursday, November 25, 2010

Willy’s Pet Products at

Hillbilly Willy likes dogs and Willy likes to take care of his dog that he has in good style.  This means that the dog is sometimes treated better than a dog deserves, especially by Mrs. Willy.  She treats the dog better than she treats Willy.  Do you ever have the feeling that you would be better off with your spouse if you were the dog.
What is the bad connotation when you say you are in the doghouse.  Willy thinks that sleeping in one of the two pet beds would not be bad.  They are big and soft and cushy and look real comfortable.  What would be wrong also with having the ability to simply sleep, eat and play with one of the many pet toys that adorn the house. 
Lets go a step further.  Lets assume we are going to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving.  Is anyone concerned with Willy’s traveling arrangements.  Willy does not think so.  What they are concerned with is making adequate room for the Pet Carriers and making sure the dog is taken care of.   So, what is wrong with all of this is that Willy is almost as bad when it comes to the dogs. 
That is what Willy has to say about that subject and the fact that all of this and much more is available at a great website that Willy recently found called “become” shopping your way.  Try it out for anything.

10-4 Willy

1 comment:

Sandee said...

Our dog read this post and says that being a dog is the greatest. You cited quite a few reasons too.

Have a terrific day Willy. :)