Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama - Jokes - or Truths?

Willy done ran into a few jokes that he thought was funny as long as they are jokes. The problem is that Willy aint sure that these jokes are not truths in the future.

Well they are funny now - Willy just hopes that they are not signs of the future.
Read and enjoy! or hate if you like the cocain sniffing Presidential Want to be!
Q: What's the problem with Barack Obama jokes?A: His followers don't think they're funny and other people don't think they're jokes.

Q. What do Obama and Osama have in common?
A. They both have friends who bombed the Pentagon.

Q. Why doesn’t Barack drink Pepsi?
A. He thinks that things go better with coke.

Q. Why wouldn’t Barack salute the American flag?
A. It was ours.

Q. Why did Obama change his name from Barry to Barack?
A. He thought Barry sounded too American.

Q: What do you get when you cross a crooked politician with a crooked lawyer?
A: Barack Obama.

10-4 Willy


Anonymous said...

You came up with these all by yourself??

Woooooooooow...I wish I were as smart and witty as a racist!

Willy said...

Willy is not a Racist. Some of Willy's best friends are black and hispanic.

Willy is a proponent of those who holds his beliefs on abortion and of Security for this country.

Prior to election Willy used satire and humor to make his points just like most others did who opposed either Obama or McCain.

Obama is now OUR President and Willy respects that office.

Future comments and posts will be about the opinion of his decisions and actions.

All Americans have that right.

Thanks for commenting.

Please allow a link to yourself so that Willy can identify something about his commentors.

Willy usually removes comments from those that have no reverse links to a blog or an identity - assumed or real.

10-4 Willy