Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Who Stole Willy's Money!

Sometimes Willy runs into a simple statement that seems funny but when Willy really thinks about it there is much truth to the statement. The following is one that Willy read today that fits.
Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal.

Hey, great idea ... the guy who made $50 billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $750 billion disappear.

Which one do you think Willy feels stole more of his money?

10-4 Willy


Sandee said...

Well, the government just takes our money Willy. Madoff stole the money. One's legal and the other isn't. Either way the money is gone.

Have a terrific day Willy. :)

Miss Moneypenny said...

For making $750 billion disappear, I hope no one holds their breath waiting for President Obama to place Congress under House arrest! ;)

Da Old Man said...

Willy, to move $5000 I needed to do special stuff, and these guys throw around billions and no one pays attention.
It's crazy.