Friday, September 30, 2011
Who to Root For!
Willy has lived in Arkansas for 22 years and is a Arkansas Razorback fan. Willy roots for the Hogs in everything almost.
Willy graduated with a Masters degree from Texas A&M University. Willy used to be a major Aggie Fan. Willy used to root for the Aggies in everything.

Arkansas plays Texas A&M tomorrow. Question is - Who does Willy Root for?
Posted by
9:15 PM
Willy Needs some Web Hosting
Willy needs some new web site hosting. Maybe that is What Willy needs. Willy is always thinking that maybe there is some hosting out there that is more advantageous to Willy than what he is now using. That is what Willy is thinking. That is why Willy is out there on the world wide web always looking for the good, the better and then the best. What kind of web hosting do you have?
That is why Willy might also ask you if you have heard of FatCow which says its web hosting is udderly fantastic. How could you beat that. I site with good web hosting and a sense of humor. But the point is that can give you choices that can put you on to website hosting that is in your price range and has the features that you need.
So again the question is, are you like Willy and out there in the world and looking for web site hosting. If you are then heed the wonderful, willful, words of Willy and get to this site and find out what they can give you that will help you get that hosting that you need. Any questions?
10-4 Willy
Posted by
8:59 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Logan's Steakhouse
Birthday supper for Mrs. Willy went south in a hurry. We walked in and was immediately greeted and seated. Problem is they took us to a table that was dirty with no silverware. The hostess acted a little put out when we asked her if she could clean the table. She did by picking up a napkin and wiping the peanut shells into the floor. No attempt to clean anything that might be stuck on with a wet cloth. Still no silverware.
Willy and the Mrs. have trouble finding something to order but finally settle on chicken for her and Salmon for Willy. Up to now the waitress has asked us three times if we were ready. Sorry, but a little slow tonight. When we did decide it took another five minutes for her to come back by. Not going well. Still no silverware.
We ordered and three times the waitress came by and said Willy's food was about ready. About 35 minutes later the food came. It was luke warm and some cold. By the way at that time Willy stepped to the empty booth next door and got silverware.
Waitress asked if food was ok. We stated it was long time comeing and nto warm. Manager came and apologized and wanted to start over. Not enough time. He did comp us $5. WOW
Not the best birthday lunch for Mrs. Willy
10-4 Willy
Posted by
7:50 PM
Friday, September 23, 2011
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Willy could be in love with something besides his gorgeous wonderful wife. Yes, she is gorgeous and wonderful but Willy knows that and Willy is here to talk about what else Willy could be in love with besides Mrs. Willy.
Yes, Willy could easily love the idea that Willy could feel even richer than he is and you could to if you were in the know about Straight talk. Yes, Willy could fall in love with this Hook, line and sinker
because Willy has an Android phone and Android on Straight Talk is a great thing and a money saver. They say that Willy could cut his cell phone bill in half. Contract, what contract. You would have to be crazy to be on a contract these days. You should Call a friend immediately and tell them about this great money saving opportunity. Imagine Willy on Straight Talk and saving so much money that Willy could take all of his redneck friends to a NASCAR race this year. Willy would be their hero.
With Straight Talk there are on contracts, no surprise bills and they don't even check Willy's credit. They would be surprised there because Willy's credit is excellent. They do all of this and let Willy have phones from great manufacturers like LG, Motorola, Kyocera, Nokie and Samsung. Willy says WOW this has Everything you need
There monthly plans are also awsome! They have the “All You Need Plan” which meets even the needs of heavy phone users like Willy's daughter. It has 1,000 minutes, 1,000 texts and 30 MB of web data.
•They have unlimited Monthly service which is only $45, and includes calls, text, picture messaging, and web. Willy could really use that if he could figure out how to text and this WWW thing. Do you realize that this means that you could have unlimited calls, text, picture messaging and web for a whole year, for only $499.00! Along with this the 411 calls are included at no extra charge. Willy just saved a boat load there.
•They tell Willy that he does not even have to pay for activation, reactivation, or termination. WOW again.
And they have International Long Distance. Willy don't speak Chinese but if he did Willy could use Straight Talk International Long Distance Service which is a flexible prepaid calling service that enables you to make international calls from your home, cell or office phone at low rates to call all of his Redneck friends in China. Ho Chi Min Bubba, this is Willy calling.
Willy could do all of this if he wanted to on reconditioned phones which are available from $10.00 with camera, mp3 player, mobile web access, and blue-tooth capability. Willy is not sure what all of those are but I bet Willy's kids could use that.
But as far as Willy, he wants amazing smart phones; touch screen phones, and app capable phones with features like voice navigation, camera, video recorder, music player, instant messaging, and Bluetooth®
Check out this video where Willy learned about all of these things.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
9:01 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Willie takes a day off
Willie took the day off to go to the dentist. This was to b a specialist and willie was sent his other dentist. The dentist look at the tooth and said it would be okay let's look at it another day.
Willie is back home sitting on the porch watching the rain and it's cool out here! Willie is thinking that this is the way that retirement could be.
Some days willie could sit on the back porch when it's pretty and other days willie could mow the lawn go fishing or do whatever the heck he pleased.
But what do you think willie is going to do tomorrow? Yes that is right willie is going to work off to work we will go he will have to do it so he can have some money!
10 4 willie
Posted by
4:22 PM
Military VA Loan - Willy Salutes the Military
Willy did not serve in the Military but Willy is a great believer in those who have served in the Amed Forces in any form or fashion. That is why Willy is bringing to you today some information that has been given to Willy to spread the word on. That information is about VA Loans.
That is why Willy wants everyone that is eligible to know that there is great information available on the WWW about VA refinancing This information will give those eligible all of the information that they might need on this subject and will give them all of the loan requirements needed to qualify for these much deserved loans. So, if check out and see if you meet the requirements. If you do Willy's hat is off to you.
Therefore, let it be known that this country owes to each and every Veteran and or person who has served in our Military a great big SALUTE. THANKS FOR WHAT YOU DO.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
10:14 AM
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
County fair time
County fair and all the kids are showing animals. Carnival is up and running and all of the local businesses have a booth.
Do you do county fairs?
Posted by
3:23 PM
Monday, September 19, 2011
Deserving Eyes
Willy needs new eyeglasses that make Willy look smart and important. Willy does not have a lot of cash to spend for these glasses but Willy still wants to look like a million. Well, that is were comes in to play. Willy has studied this place to see if that is where he wants to get his glasses. This is what they say about themselves and this what makes Willy give them more thought for getting this great look at a cheaper price.
They say that they are using the latest modern materials, manufacturing and marketing systems to bring their product direct from their factories to Willy. They say that they have no middlemen, no retail overhead, and practically no advertising budget,(they leave it to Willy and you, their satisfied customers to spread the word), They say that they do not pay for or sell expensive, or even inexpensive, brand names, but only their own manufactured brand ZENNI. They say that eyeglasses are definitely a personal fashion and style item for Willy and you, and to that end they strive to provide a fashionable and stylish product.
More importantly, they feel prescription eyeglasses are a health item necessity for most wearers, and to that end they take considerable pride in being able to bring to all a very high quality product of great durability, safety and comfort at truly reasonable and affordable prices. These are the kinds of things that Willy likes.
So, if you think you need some glasses that look great, feel great, do the job and don't cost an arm and a leg, then you should check this out with Willy.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
8:34 PM
(C) Solve your frozen food problems with T.G.I. FRiDAY’S “Entrées for One!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of T.G.I. FRiDAY'S for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Willy ate at TGI Fridays Restaurant last night. Had some great ribs and shrimp. Willy loves their food and loves to go there. The problem is that it is not always easy to get there to eat every Time that Willy wants to eat their food. So when Willy saw that T.G.I. Fridays was going to come out with some T.G.I. FRiDAY’S “Entrées for One” it thrilled Willy to death.
Willy received a coupon in the mail to try out these great products and Willy believes that the first thing that he will try out is there lasagna. Sounds really good doesn't it? Yep, it will be good. Willy will get this one cooked in a hurry and see that it is marvelous and then will rush out an buy the fajitas or some of the other great food from Fridays.
What is even more fun is if Willy could get away with decorating his refrigerator and join the fun contest that they have going. They call it Fun Freezer contest you simply decorate your freezer in a fun Friday's motif and upload it to their facebook page at If you do this you will be in line for some neat prizes.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
6:00 PM
Saturday, September 17, 2011
dealfun with Hillbilly Willy.
Willy's kind of deal can be found at What is so great about this site you ask Willy. Well it is because it gives you the opportunity to bid of a variety of products such as iPad, iPhone, Kindle, Laptops, LED TVs, PS3, Watches, Jewelry, Toys and more. Ok. Great start right?
Combine that with the idea that they have No weekly or monthly win caps, a buy it now policy that says if you bid on items and do not win it, you can use the bids towards buying the product and you have a great auction site. Well, that is not all. Another great feature is their beginners auction where the beginners can polish their skills against other beginners without having the experts bidding against them. That helps Willy. There is also a win guarantee that is good for everyone.
Team all of these great features with the fact that they provide great customer service which is absolutely fantastic with prompt and courteous service.
So, are you convinced yet that this is a great site for auctions. If you are not, then you need to go to their site and check it out and you can learn first hand why you might want to use this site.
That is about what Willy has to say about this except for good bidding and 10-4 -- Willy.
Posted by
8:07 PM
Willy on the Back Porch
Willy is setting on the back porch this morning just enjoying life before starting the day. Willy is sipping some sweet tea and watching the hummingbirds aggravate the big dog. They are fun to watch.
It has been a while since the weather was such that you could set on the porch and enjoy the beautiful weather. Too bad that the entire day could not be like this. This is one of those weekends where Willy has to travel and do some extra curricular activities that are a part of the job.
Well, back to enjoying life for a few more minutes and realizing the Willy is blessed. He has a great wife, a great daughter and son in law, and a job.
Willy is truly blessed.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
7:29 AM
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Made Something of Myself
Thanks for the article from Quinton Wynn
If you had known me when I was 16 you would have never guessed that someday I’d be a successful entrepreneur who was running a thriving sportswear company. I was a really bad kid and always getting into trouble so the fact that I’m even here today worrying about things like pricing and bank card processing is a huge testament to how far I’ve come. I had some really great mentoring in my late teens, though, and it turned me right around and after a few business classes and a loan from my ever-faithful dad I got this little business of the ground. Success hasn’t come overnight but there’s been a really positive response to my stuff and I know things are only going to get better from here. I feel like being the boss is my natural comfort zone and I’m glad now that it’s in a positive way rather than a negative! I love having my own store and people to be accountable to on a day to day basis.
Posted by
8:37 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Willy was not There!
Willy ran into this story in the Log Cabin - Conway Arkansas - give Willy your thoughts. 10-4 Willy
A woman made contact with officers to report that she was approached by an unknown man who sucked on her toes as she was sitting in front of her apartment.
The woman stated that she was frightened and went inside her residence to call her daughter to come over. The woman’s daughter arrived but did not see the suspect. The victim advised that when other people walked into the courtyard, the suspect walked away. Officers spoke with the manager of the complex who stated that she was not aware of a tenant matching the description of the suspect, but would be watching to be sure the suspect did not return.
Posted by
7:20 PM
Monday, September 12, 2011
Make Money With!
Willy is nearing retirement and needs to make the best decisions that he can so that he can get to that retirement goal with enough money to be comfortable. Willy has decided that to do this Willy might need to look at a possible Online Portfolio Manager. This could possibly take Willy to another level in managing his retirement portfolio. This management could be helped with Portfolio rebalancing software or maybe with some simple Do It Yourself portfolio management.
Yes, Willy has logged into their system and Willy has found that negotiating through their system is easy, smooth and makes lots of sense. The system that Willy is talking about is This system can help you and Willy choose the right portfolio, invest in markets instead of individual stocks and protect against shifting markets. The question is, can you do this on your own? The answer is maybe but how much easier will it be with the help of this site.
Well, Willy is convinced that to make the right choices and moves on managing the retirement portfolio, Willy needs help. The help that Willy needs just might have been found in That is what Willy has to say on this subject.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
9:19 PM
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 09, 2011
Get a Shot Ms Willy!
Posted by
9:11 PM
Tarp it says Willy!
Willy knows many uses for things such as a dropcloth , canvas tarps and , truck tarps. Willy is a tarp user. Willy is probably one of the best tarp users that ever used a tarp. Ok, willy made that a little bit of a cheesy statement, but Willy believes it gets across the point that this fabulous post is about tarps.
So what site do you think Willy is talking about. Well the site the Willy is talking about is This site is a place that has all tarps, drop cloths, welding blankets and just about anything else that you might want or need in the way of coverings such as tarps. They appear to have the largest selection available on professional and the common mans tarps and coverings.
What types of tarps do they have? They have poly tarps, canvas tarps, truck tarps, vinyl tarps, and many other types of tarps. What kind of tarp do you need for the many jobs that you might have. Chances are that this site will have the tarp that you need. Why don't you check it out.
That is what Willy has to say except for 10-4 Willy
Posted by
9:01 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Obama - Speech on 911 Excludes Evangelical Christians!
Evangelicals Left Off National Cathedral 9/11 Program
“A Call to Compassion” will include an interfaith prayer vigil on Sept. 11. It will feature the dean of the Cathedral, the Bishop of Washington, a rabbi, Buddhist nun and incarnate lama, a Hindu priest, the president of the Islamic Society of North America and a Muslim musician.
However, Southern Baptists, representing the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, were not invited to participate – and neither were leaders from any evangelical Christian organization.
“It’s not surprising,” said Frank Page, president of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. “There is a tragic intolerance toward Protestants and particularly toward evangelicals and I wish the president would refuse to speak unless it was more representative.”
Richard Weinberg, the Cathedral’s director of communications, confirmed that Southern Baptists were not extended an invitation to participate.
“The goal was to have interfaith representation,” he told Fox News Radio. “The Cathedral itself is an Episcopal church and it stands to reason that our own clergy serve as Christian representatives.”
He said the Washington National Cathedral serves as the “spiritual home for the nation” and as such, he said that “diversity was first and foremost” a factor in the planning.
“We certainly aim to appeal to as many in the country as possible and feel that our events are not any one slice that could ever represent the entire country -- but that we are doing our best commemorate the events as it fits with our mission,” Weinberg said.
On Sunday night the Cathedral will host President Obama as he delivers remarks in a program called, “A Concert of Hope.” At least five faith leaders will deliver prayers but those individuals have not been identified.
Weinberg said the president’s event will be a “secular service,” but said given the setting it will include an interfaith benediction.
Page said President Obama should cancel his appearance at the Cathedral.
“I think it would send a very strong and very positive signal to the left wing extremists in our country that the president ought not show up,” Page said, calling their exclusion “purposeful.”
The White House referred questions about the services to the Cathedral.
“First and foremost, the breadth of the programming aims to honor those who were most affected by the tragedy of 9/11,” Weinberg said. “We also recognize as a Cathedral that this country has been engaged in two wars abroad and many, many service members, nearly six thousand, and of course that would count much more if we counted civilian lives lost.”
“They are also a group that we want to keep in mind and lift up,” he said.
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, told Fox News Radio the lineup was better suited for the United Nations than the United States.
“Three quarters of the American people identify as Christian and nearly a third of them are evangelical Christian,” Perkins said. “And yet, there is not a single evangelical on the program.”
“There’s no doubt that this is clearly politically correct,” Perkins told Fox News Radio. “It is historically inaccurate that in times of need or mourning that Americans pray to the Hindu or Buddhist Gods or the God of Islam. America is overtly a Christian nation that prays to the Judeo-Christian God – and specifically to Jesus Christ.”
Page called political correctness the “elephant in the room.”
“It is very clear that it is that it is not politically correct to include evangelical Christians,” he said.
“Obviously, tolerance is at work here. In a nation whose current God is tolerance, it is absolutely hypocritical that the major group to be excluded and be intolerant of – is evangelical Christians.”
Click here to read more on the story at Fox News Radio.
Read more:
Posted by
8:30 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Heavenly rum aged well above the clouds
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Diageo for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Willy is learning about a new rum which is Zacapa premium rum. Here is there story along with some of Willy's comments about this premium dark rum:
Zacapa has a great and compelling story that Willy wants to share with his great and wonderful readers's.
There story started according to them in 1976 in eastern Guatemala in the town of Zacapa. There they celebrated the towns centenary and there they gave birth to what they call one of the world’s best tasting rums. (Willy would like to taste it now!)
West of that area they say the terrain is perfectly suited to the cultivation of quality sugar cane. Willy has checked out the climate and the global pictures of the area and this seems to be a fact. that nowhere in the world could be better suited for this crop. There are rolling uplands in this green fertile area. According to a friend that is familiar with the area the acidic soils and long periods of bright sunlight are the factors that play into this fertile area.. The volcanic soil here is where the cane is grown. However, unlike most rums which use molasses (a by-product of the sugar making process) as their base, Zacapa uses only the concentrated first press of sugar cane, known as virgin sugar cane honey. So, that is what makes a great bit of the difference.
Then comes the ageing process that the article name is taken from. This process takes place high up in the Quetzaltenango highlands, 2,300 metres above sea level, Here it is the cool mountain air that slows the ageing process, creating a unique flavors. The House Above the Clouds is actually one of the world’s highest ageing facilities, and the process employed here, a unique Sistema Solera, is based on a process originally devised by the Spaniards 500 years ago to age sherry. Willy believes that he cant wait to try this out because they say that iIt involves each drop of Zacapa rum passing through several casks that previously housed American whiskey, Oloroso sherry and Pedro Ximenez wines. So each of these large vessels imparts its own inimitable character that helps give Zacapa its distinctive taste. So there you go. It takes the big casks from America above the clouds to get that great flavor. How cool is that?
Doesn't that make you want to tip a rum at this time. Willy is ready to try this Rum. It sounds really great. Willy is joining the Zacapa Society to keep up with this company, its rum and its processes. You can join to and join rum aged well above the clouds.
To join the Zacapa Society, simply register your interest at
10-4 Willy
Posted by
4:00 PM