Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Google Adsense Approval and Google Adwords Coupons Provider - DLL Incoporation

Posted by
11:00 AM
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
It is Yellow and is on Willy's car.
It is Yellow and it washes down the street in the rain in front of Willy's house.
It makes grown men like Willy rub their eyes and cry.
What is it.
Posted by
8:46 PM
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Google Adwords Voucher Seller In India
Posted by
11:49 AM
Monday, March 19, 2012
Willy is into March Madness
Willy's bracket is hanging in there. Willy has syracuse in the finals. Willy only has one segment dead so far.
How is your bracket. Why is your bracket.
Willy is wondering - 10-4 Willy
Posted by
9:26 PM
Friday, March 16, 2012
Scotts® Snap® Spreader System Live
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Willy loves green and wonderful lush grass. Willy knows that his grass is alive and that the best thing that Willy can do for his grass is to feed it. Do you feed your grass? Willy just discovered this great and easier way to feed his grass. Willy knows now that he can do this with just a Snap, Lock and Go! Get a great lawn in a ---- Snap®!
What is even better is the perks that come with it. The Scotts® Snap PERKS Program begins March 7, 2012. Go on and "like" Scotts ® Facebook page for the chance to win amazing prizes! Willy is doing this as Willy writes this great post. This gives you a chance to win great prizes, if Willy does not win them first. Check out Snap perks on Facebook
Yes that is right Willy is likely to use to use Scotts® Snap® Spreader System to get his lawn looking great over this next year. Willy is ashamed to show his yard now but will come back with pictures in the future. Yep, Willy will show you a green lawn that is weed free from using this system.
What is it that makes this Scotts ® Snap® Spreader System so different. Well is could be that it has a No mess, no guess spreader system
-The Snap Pac connects directly to the Snap Spreader – no cutting, no opening and no pouring from heavy bags – no spilling or waste!
The system auto-sets the proper flow rate. No Spreader settings required! It also has a unique EdgeGuard feature that keeps product where you want it…. on the lawn!
-When you’re done, the Snap Pac self-seals upon removal making it easy to store – No more half empty bags on the garage floor. So, how great is all of that?
So, get out there all of you Hillbilly Willy readers to check Scotts ® Snap® Spreader System and also "like" Snap Perks on Facebook so you can be in the know of Scotts great promotions and contests.
Check out what others are saying: 10-4 Willy
Posted by
3:00 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Willy needs an Address Plaque.
Where Willy lives in the hills of the Ozarks it is important that your home or estate is well marked so that people can find you. That is why Willy might be considering something as bright and bold as putting up a couple of great bronze address plaques . This would insure that everyone could find Willy's house back in the woods.
Yep, Billy Bob down the street had him two personalized address plaques made that say "BILLY BOB'S HOUSE" This makes it easier as you go by the 7th hole on the Country Club course to see that this is where Billy Bob lives. So, with that in mind, Willy does not live on the 7th hole of the course so it is likely that Willy might need to get bigger custom address plaques to out do Billy Bob.
What do you think. Do you have need for address plaques. If so you might figure out where to go from Willy's post.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
7:49 PM
Willy Must be Old Fashion
An advertisement for a new show sets Willy Back. The show is on ABC and is called GCB.
America has let this type of stuff gradually creep into our lives. 30 years ago this would have been against the law.
Today we call it entertainment.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
7:29 PM
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
The best part of prom, shopping!
Guest post written by Gina Clark
I've never turned down an opportunity to go shopping. I've always loved it, even when I've known that I couldn't afford it. Well, now as an adult I'm trying to make sure that my kids have a good example to live by, and that includes buying only what you can afford. I still have issues with that and I'm working on them. I thought the perfect time to be an example with that is when I take my daughter prom dress shopping.
But I want to make sure that we do our research before we actually go shopping. We've been looking online to see what we can find as far as affordable prom dresses go and when I was looking around online I saw the website http://debtcounseling.bankrupt.com. After I looked through it some I decided that it might be the perfect site for our family's financial situation and will have to check it out once I can stop worrying about prom.
We've had so much fun online shopping, but the best part is definitely going to be when my daughter actually gets to try on the dresses. That's always the most fun part
Posted by
7:43 PM
Willy's Life and the Hog Killings
This part is rated yuk - not for the weak of stomach or heart. Willy will make this brief but in the last part of Willy's story of Early life, Willy mentioned Hog Killings.
Well, Willy is not talking about the wild hog that many go out and hunt these days. No Willy is talking about the old hog that Willy's folks would grow out in the hog waller. Yes, the mud hole. And as a side Willy's mom always kept a slop bucket in the kitchen that she would put the scraps from meals in and every time the bucket would get full she would carry it to the hogs. Well, this bucket sat between the snack bar and the sink.
Willy would always eat at the snack bar for you see there was about 10 of us eating there and more if we had company. Many times Willy would turn around to get off of the bench at the snack bar and step in the slop bucket. Not a lot of fun but funny now as I look back on it.
Willy digressed. Willy's parents would have a hog killing in the cold of the winter. It started by getting the old fat pig up in a trailer. Willy's dad would then reach over the top of the trailer and stick the rifle to the pigs head and BAM the pig was shaking and squealing to its death.
When the pig quit jumping and kicking dad and the rest of the neighbors would grab the pig hang him up in the front of the old quansett barn, cut his throat and let it bleed out. The next step was to have a large vat of boiling water that the pig was dropped in and then pulled out of after a good scalding. The next thing you knew all of the neighbors and the help were taking the pig and laying him on the skinning board and attacking the big old pig like ants and scraping the hide.
Cutting up the meat and quartering into its cuts of hams etc came next. Then it hung and cured in the old garage.
Good eating when it was done. And that is the hog killing in quick and simple terms.
10-4 Willly
Posted by
7:40 PM
Monday, March 05, 2012
FastForwardAcademy with Willy
Ok. This is a side to the ongoing story of Willy and his life. The thing that you need to know that Willy loans money for a living. What you also should know is that Willy went to college so long that he has a Masters degree and has three minors other than the one that his Master's degree is in. Yes, there was a time that Willy thought that he wanted to become a tax preparer.
Does that shock anyone? If it does you might want to know that other than possibly wanting to become a Registered tax return preparer
Willy also has a minor in English and thought once about being an English teacher in a major college. Go figure that one!
Willy has discovered that if he did want to prepare taxes that there are great sites out there that will help willy learn what he needs to know. One of those sites is Fast Forward Academy. It seems to have the information to train for all of these things needed to be a professional in that area.
Anyone interested with Willy? If so get on it now.
10-4 Willy
Please link to the URL http://fastforwardacademy.com/index-page-irs-paid-registered-tax-preparer.htm using ONE of the keywords provided below.
Please choose another internal page that interests you from the http://fastforwardacademy.com/ website, again using one of the keywords provided below as anchor text.
Feel free to use the same anchor text for both links or mix it up. However, please do not simply choose the first keyword phrase; choose at random.
Posted by
8:51 PM
Warning Will Robinson!!!!
INTERNET WARNING: If you get an email titled "Nude photo of Nancy Pelosi," don't open it... It contains a nude photo of Nancy Pelosi.
Posted by
8:39 PM
Saturday, March 03, 2012
Does Willy Want a Nonprofit Job?
Willy had to think about this one a little. Willy first thought that this was a site for people who wanted to take a job that made them no profit. Willy loves to work but one of the things that Willy likes is the money that he gets paid from the job. Therefore Willy had to figure out that Nonprofit Jobs had to do with work that was involved with working with companies who were considered to be nonprofit companies. They were still going to pay Willy to work for them.
What Willy found was that Non profit jobs seeker is the go to employment center for people who are nonprofit careers seekers looking for employment. NonprofitJobseeker.com is run by The NonProfit Times the leading business publication for nonprofit management which was established over 20 years ago.
So now Willy knows that if Willy is interested in Nonprofit Careers or if there is any of Willy's friends that are interested in finding careers nonprofit does not mean non salary for Willy.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
8:29 AM
Friday, March 02, 2012
Retired Folks Fun!

10-4 Willy
Posted by
12:21 PM