Monday, March 17, 2008

Willy gets a late Start

Willy knows better than to start his day out running late. Willy done set the alarm clock for PM instead of AM and when it was supposed to go off at 5 am this morning the alarm just set there.

Well about 6 am Willy woke wide awake and discovered his error. Willy jumped out of bed ran to the kitchen, started the coffee and began cooking oatmeal and eggs as he promised he would.

The wife came in to help and as she was scrambling the eggs, the spatula fell out of her hand and hit the flooor. Not too big of a mess, but a mess none the less.

Well, it was the start to a great day. Nothing really eventful, but it seems that a day that starts a little off track never gets better.

Willy is ready for bed to try again tomorrow!

1 comment:

Uncle Joe said...

Sounds like a good day after all. But, 5 AM? Ouch!