Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Willy Recognizes Lies in Politics

Willy challenges both of Willy's readers to answer the question:

Which is worse - Bush who many thought could not tell the truth saying - we have to continue troop buildups - we must keep them engaged over there. - And many Americans criticized him for troop buildups. or........................

Obama who says we will bring our troops home - we must end the war - we do not need to be over there. - Troops increase by 22,000 according to todays paper. - And many Americans voted for Obama for change ---

What is the change - "lie to us we like it?"

10-4 Willy

1 comment:

Sandee said...

Yes, but it's different now. It's okay now because Nobama is doing it. They all lie Willy. Both sides of the aisle. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. :)