Sunday, September 27, 2009


Entrecard has beeN somewhat productive for driving traffic to Willy's  blogs but it has also been a pain in the rear.

  Willy can spend more time dropping than Willy does doing real productive work. They have been ok up to now with the way they handled paid ads allowing each site to decide to have them or not.

They have driven the last nail in their coffin by telling Willy that 15% of all ads will be paid on Willy's site unless Willy pays them $50 fee.

It is Willy's site and Willy can do it cheaper that paying them $50. Willy CAN DO IT BY DUMPING THEM AND ENCOURAGING EVERYONE ELSE TO DO SO. MAYBE THEY WILL RETHINK.

10-4 Willy without Entrecard.


Sandee said...

That's telling them Willy. I'm just going to remove all things Entrecard. Just as soon as my ads run out. I don't want to stiff the folks that bought my avatar. I do like what you've done.

Have a terrific day. :)

chilly said...

Yep, just as soon as ads run out, I'm leaving Entrecard as well. Also my wife Wanda at 1 Blog and 2 Sides is leaving too. Had enough of it.

Chinaern said...

Seems like you're cutting your nose off to spite your face to me.

If EC is bringing traffic to you, why remove it? Why not just stop dropping?

Then again, as you've chosen to do, you can just leave. However your campaign seems a bit petty.

Meh, either way.

Mara said...

I have been also thinking about dropping off Entrecard.

I'm still deciding....

aldon @ orient lodge said...

Willy, I'm glad to see you are on Adgitize. I'll keep coming by via their ads.

For the time being, I'm staying on EntreCard. While I find the 15% paid ads and the 75% tax on advertising earnings offensive, I don't find it so offensive that I'm leaving, nor so offensive that I want to encourage others to drop EntreCard.

My focus is how can I get the most quality traffic to my site as effectively as possible. EntreCard is making it harder and harder to do that, so I'm focusing more on sites like Adgitize and CMF Ads.

I've written more about this on my blog at EntreCard updates (written before they shifted again to suggest a $50 fee.

More importantly, I've been doing a survey of past and current blog advertising and I'd love it if you and your readers could fill out the survey.

I'll be writing up results as I get more data.

The Mind of a Mom said...

I'm jumping on the Willy wagon, I just don't have the time to mess around with there site, when they don't help me at all

Willy said...

Thanks for all of the comments.

Chinaern - the only real reason I get traffic is if I click on 300 sites and they return the favor. I am finding already that I have more time to comment on a few more sites daily and this gives traffic in return.

10-4 Willy

Anonymous said...

Leaving also. Don't have $50 to fork out for something I DON'T want. That was the nail for me.

Mike Golch said...

the taxes and now 50 buck to stop something I don't want well ther can plant their two lips on a certain part of my body.

My Journey said...

I left entrecard back in the spring just before the paid ads came out. It was one of the best things I did for all 5 of my blogs. At one time EC was running Project Wonderful ads then switched that out to OIO ads but I see both of those are gone likely the fault of the previous regime. With the current changes it is apparent to me that despite losing the company to Andrew Te, Graham is still involved at some level. As long as he is this is what EC members can expect. Now something a lot of members haven't considered is if they have to pay $50 up front on Oct 5 to prevent these uncontrolled ads from running on their blog for a year, what happens if EC goes belly up before the end of the year? They sure aren't going to refund that money. Now if 1,000 bloggers fall for this they end up with $50,000 cash up front to walk away with. Not a bad little scam on their part, is it?

The new management has no track record and dibs were EC would fold by last June when it lasted to July to change hands. Paying $50 ahead for a year is really saying you have faith EC will be around in a year and that is by any stretch of the imagination highly doubtful.

Zee said...

$50?? that's rude! Willy earned his own points for long hours and paying them to get your money earned is absurd... although i can't say i would dump my ec yet. i didnt earn anything from it anyway but still participate in a few drops once in a while..

Mom said...

I love the icon that goes with your Willy Wagon campaign.


Mom said...

Well dang it... I typed my link wrong. I got so excited over the cute icon that I wasn't thinking straight.



Mom said...

Well dang it... I typed my link wrong. I got so excited over the cute icon that I wasn't thinking straight.



Unknown said...

I think I'm going to drop entrecard. What I really want is READERS as opposed to those who make quick visits just for the purpose of dropping.

Laane said...

Yes, it takes too much time, and in fact there's not really much in return.