Thursday, December 07, 2006

Speaking Republican or Democrat

Willy says - why cant they just speak redneck. Lets jest go in there and knock out those suckers and let it be done. This will take care of all civil unrest. This way we dont have to worry if it is Civil War - Unrest or just plain out a mess. 10-4 Willy

Below is taken from

How To Speak Republican …… or Democratic.By Jack ShaferPosted Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2006, at 7:02 PM ET

In recent weeks, major U.S. news organizations have started using the phrase "civil war" to describe the unpleasantness in Iraq, prompting a brawl between liberal and conservative commentators.
Speaking on the left, Eric Boehlert derides the press for only now calling the mayhem a civil war. Boehlert accuses various organizations, which include NBC News, the New York Times, the Miami Herald, the Christian Science Monitor, and the Los Angeles Times, of accommodating President Bush by keeping the phrase out of their coverage for three-plus years. The administration abhors the phrase, preferring "sectarian violence."

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