Thursday, September 25, 2008

Calm Before the Storm

Willy can easily use this phrase this week. Willy done said that he was on Vacation last week. Well, guess what.

That was the wonderful, delightful, peaceful, solitude of a Calm.

Guess what the storm is!

You guessed it. The pile of work, the reports, the customers to see, the meeting to attend, the administratively fabulous STORM!

Work is the storm in progress.

Maybe the government will come in and give me some hurricane relief.

Or maybe they will give me a golden parachute and let me bail out.

Willy needs to go fishing or something! Wait a minute - I just got back from vacation.

10-4 Willy


Paul Eilers said...

Welcome back to reality!

Plowing and Sowing said...

Glad your back...That is why I don't care for vacation very much. I would rather take a day or two off throughout the year. Hope you and your wonderful bride are doing well.

Jesse Frederick said...

I hope you get to go fishing again soon! Hope you had fine while it lasted.

Unknown said...

Most folks return from vacation needing a vacation. Sorta makes it useless, huh?