Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Willy and the President

Mr. President - Willy has been cyber travelling and has spent the last two days at an old historic air field called Ebert Field just outside Lonoke, Arkansas. Time travel took me back to 1918 when the field was first developed.

Mr. President as Willy sat there waiting for his friends to discover where he was at - Willy got to thinking (yes that is dangerous Mr. President)

Willy was thinking about all of the great bailout money that has gone to help those great companies that you say would take America under if they failed. Yes, Mr. President Willy was thinking that America is doing great things to help those who have been irresponsible, crooked and downright stupid in getting those great companies where they are at today --- in the dumpers.

While all of that is going on Mr. President Willy was thinking. What is there in all of this to help Willy.

Willy is not sure. Willy is simple minded but here is how Willy sees it:

  • Willy has been responsible and did not take a mortgage that Willy could not pay for. - Bad for Willy - no help here.
  • Willy has worked hard at his company to help make it successful and have a good longevity in a job. - Bad for Willy and company - no help here.
  • Willy has worked hard to put up a large portion of his money into retirement accounts so that Willy could retire and enjoy what America has to offer in retirement. Willy's money keeps going down and Wall street sucks it up faster than Willy can make it. - bad for Willy - No help here.
  • Mr. President goes on TV and Wall street will probably crash again tomorrow as it has everytime Mr. President makes a statement. - Willy loses more money - Bad for Willy - no help here.
Mr. President my question is - how are you helping Willy the good American - Joe the Plumber or AIG President (how did his name slip in there - maybe he will give me some of his bonus)

10-4 Mr. President - Where is Willy's Help?

I am sorry Mr. President - I guess Willy was mixed up - Willy thought you said there would be change. You must have said that Willy was deranged.

10-4 again Mr. President.


Sandee said...

So that's where you were. You have no idea how long I worked on this one Willy. A very long time. I just didn't get it. Well, I knew it was an airfield, but that's about it.

All good questions Willy. It does seem that if you have been responsible that you are penalized doesn't it? Yes, it does to me too. All good questions.

Have a terrific day Willy. :)

The Hawg! said...

Oh, we got us some change, Willy. It might not be what anyone wanted or anything that will benefit the nation, but it certainly is different.