Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Texas Fred on VT Shooting!

Willy not sure if he totally agree, but something to think about:

Below is a quote from Texas Fred on the VT shooting: Click on the quote to read the entire article.

I am going to say this in plain English, this debacle was brought on, at least partially, by the political correctness and feel good politics that our children are being taught at home and in our liberal controlled colleges and universities, our students are taught to NOT fight back, our children are being taught that there are no losers in life, that we’re all equal and it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game, they are taught to just submit and accept the consequences, and I personally feel that this attitude is as much responsible for the massive loss of life as anything…

Our children are not being well served by this progressive teaching, and it’s that same progressive teaching that is going to be the complete undoing of this once great USA, we’re becoming a nation of well educated wimps, and if we don’t reverse that trend, wimps is all we’ll be in 2 or 3 more generations…

10-4 Maybe ---Willy

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