Saturday, April 28, 2007

Willy & Bid4prizes - Yes! I Can Win!

Willy done found him a great place to Bid for stuff and looks like I could win! Willy's new found site is bid4prizes. Willy can't believe that this site lets you bid4prizes, yes bid on cool products, but the new twist on bid4prizes is that the LOWEST UNIQUE bidder actually wins the auction!.

But Willy's question is if you win one of these great prizes form bid4prizes, what would you do with it. Willy done thinks this is such a unique site that if Willy won a great prize from bid4prizes site, Willy might just give it to Juanita down at the "Possum Grits, Grill and Redneck Cantina". Willy, ain't so sure about that though. The little wife might think that this is a little too much of a tip for little ole Juanita. Cause you know, all she does is serve the food.

Or if Willy won a price from bid4prizes he might just give it to the local charity, "Rednecks for a Peaceful Life"

Well, again all Willy can say is that, Willy don't understand exactly how they can do what they do, but Will believes that everybody should go to the web site of bid4prizes and take a look. Willy thinks this might be one of the neatest ideas to come to the hill country web connections in a long time.

Also Willy knows that even though he gets a little redneck bucks for mentioning this site, Willy wouldn't mention it if he hasn't gone there and thinks it might be a good idea.

Check out bid4prizes.

Willy not responsible for any costs involved with this website.

10-4 Willy

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