Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Daughter the Hunter!

My married daughter is shown here after killing her first goose. She likes to go hunting with her husband. My suprise is that the hour they go out is so early in the morning and her not being a morning person.

However, she braved the cold and early morning and shot the goose.

Great hunt!


helen1 said...

Good job. Didn't know you raised a hunter.
This should be posted elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

let me guess, she proudly used decoys...

bon appetit

I have an issue for those who don't "need" to hunt and do hunt for "pleasure" or whatever else that is!

It's not justified to be such a hypocrite, in one way spending hundreds of dollars yearly for a "dog" and get crazy if the animal is actually hurt by a human being to the point to file charges and then go out and brutalize the nature for "fun"

Anonymous said...

yeah, congrats, indeed! That's fantastic. Kudos to your sis.