Friday, January 11, 2008

Clean on the Go!with Salon Grafix

When it comes to shampoo Willy knows good products. This is because of the beautiful hair that Willy likes to keep so well groomed. But can you imagine what it would be like if Willy didn't have the opportunity to groom his lovely locks?

Well, that time comes every year. Yes, when Willy goes to deer camp in the wilderness, he has no hot running water in his camping trailer and therefore is very reluctant to wash his hair. It could get pretty nasty out there.

Well, this may not be what a high classed product like Salon Grafix is touting is typically used for, but this dry shampoo that they have sounds like a great idea. This would especially be great on a time mentioned above.

Well, think of other times that maybe higher classed folks maybe able to use this type of product.

You have a great date that is picking you up after work, but you end up working late and when you get home you dont have the time to shampoo your hair. There you go! It is the opportunity to use a Spray Powder Shampoo. Another great example of its use and the reason to keep it around in an emergency situation. .

Well, being the partaker of great hair products, Willy could probably give many more examples, but I believe you get the picture!

Great products for on the go people are great to have around. You should try this out! And by the way, did I mention that it is available for different color hair. What want they think of next!

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