Saturday, February 23, 2008


There are things out there that humor Willywhether true or not. Willy still like this one:

When Chelsea Clinton, asked a returning US Soldier about fear. He said that there were only three things he was afraid of: “Osama, Obama, and Yo’ Mama.”

Willy tends to agree with the statement. We are faced with having someone as President whose name sounds mysteriously like OSAMA. In the early days Willy would get his tongue tangled in his orations down at the Possum Grit Diner and would start saying Barack Hussein Osama. I hope he cant fly a plane. How dangerous would it be for him to have a chance at flying Air Force One into something.

And then Willy sees Hillary who appears to have the goal of getting us quickly out of Iraq and Afganistan. This would allow the real Osama to come quickly to this country.

If that don't scare Willy and you - nothing will.

10-4 Willy


Uncle Joe said...

That Soldier has a way with words! You are right, we do live in scary times. This mad rush for "change" is irrational and dangerous. It's also misguided.

WomanHonorThyself said...

Couldnt agree more buddy but keep up the good fight eh!:)