Sunday, August 24, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama - John McCain - Who Scares you the least?

Willy agrees with the Hawg over at The Natural State Hawg when it comes to the idea that we really don't have anybody running that is worth a hoot in this coming Presidential election.

The question that Willy has to ask in this election is WHO SCARES WILLY THE LEAST!

The answer to that question is John McCain. He understands that war is sometimes necessary.

He understands that war on foreign soil will probably lessen the likelihood of increased terrorist activity in the United states.

He understands that Freedom is not Free!

He understands that we do not ever want another September 11!

Obama only understands that he has a middle name that indicates that he has a Muslim background.

Obama understands that a background is just that and it is hard for all of us to shake our upbringing.

Obama understands that he wants to be a hero and bring troops home regardless of the National welfare to protect us on other soils rather than to fight here.

Willy understands that Barack Hussein Obama (sounds like someone that flew a plane into the twin towers) should scare us all.

Willy understands that even though he is not crazy about McCain - Willy will vote for McCain rather than not vote to try to keep Obama from getting elected.

Willy understands that Obama is working hard at not getting elected by selecting Biden as his running mate! Keep up the good work


Callie Ann said...

Awesome right on Post. precisely what I feel also. Thanks for posting this.

Mike Golch said...

with all due respect, I do not think that being at war is the answer at all. I do not think that we need Hawks or doves as our leaders. A moderate is where our leaders need to be. not going and picking fights based on I want payback.

Willy said...

To Mike Golch! - Fight them there or fight them here - not a choice.

It is a fact. Passive behavior has you suggest ends up with planes flying into buildings.

You choose

10-4 Willy

HawgWyld said...


Sad state of affairs, huh? But I agree with you -- you'll find a lot of people engaging in defensive voting this year as they try to pick the candidates that hurt them the least.

In my case, that happens to be McCain. I don't love the guy, but that Obama fella comes across as a closet socialist, lunatic or both.

I hope he's peaked.

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