It was early in the day on the first day of the week. Willy didn't have a clue about anything like
Spy Sweeper. Willy was downloading some pictures to go into Willy's Blog. When what to Willy's suprise, something appeared on his screen and it seemed as though Willy had lost all control of his computer. Wow! Willy had heard of such a thing -- but it couldn't happen to Willy. Willy had a good old used computer and Willy didn't need any problem.
Well, Willy done has some computer training, so Willy done started quickly to do what Willy thought would save the computer. Well despite what Willy did the computer began to act funny. Soon it shut down and wouldn't even come back on. (Geeks say Reboot)
Well Willy done went down to the "Roadkill Possum Grit Grill and Cantina" and consulted with the famous bar maid Juanita. Juanita told Willy all of her tricks and a couple even pertained to fixing a computer. In the mean time Willy drank something called a Stinky Gringo. Juanita said that after that Willy could either fix the computer or decide that he didn't care.
It was during all of this deep conversation that Juanita told Willy that if he had a product called
Spy Sweeper by Webroot he wouldn't have all of this problem.
Well, Willy went to work the next day on the computer trying to recover anything. After several hours Willy had recovered nothing. Willy headed to the electronics store and bought a new computer.
The first thing after buying the computer Willy done loaded a copy of
Spy Sweeper on the computer. Willy wanted no more problems.
You see Willy done some studying after Juanita told him about this product. Willy done found out that
Willy needs to Keep his PC Safe from Spyware
Willy found that Spyware grows more sophisticated every day. There's more of it, and it's more malicious than ever before. Willy found out that Experts agree: Spy Sweeper delivers the most advanced spyware detection, blocking and removal available to beat dangerous spyware programs.
Willy done found that he can Browse Where he Wants, When he Wants
Willy found that dangerous and annoying spyware can infect your system in many different ways when you use the Internet. Spy Sweeper gives you 360 degrees of protection. Powerful new Smart Shields block known and emerging spyware threats as you browse - before they ever reach your computer and personal information. Willy found that if your PC is already infected, Spy Sweeper's advanced discovery methods find and completely destroy malicious spyware that hides within your PC - even spyware that hides using rootkit technology.
Willy can now Download his Favorite Music, Pictures and Videos Without Spyware Intruders
Willy discovered that file sharing programs and swapping music, photos or other files are notorious avenues for spyware infection. Spy Sweeper can effectively identify slight changes in new spyware threats or variants to prevent spyware threats from ever installing on your PC.
Most of all Willy found that with Spy Sweeper Willy can have more Time Computing, Less Time Solving Computer Problems
Willy also found with this that he can rest Easy with Continuous Customer Support
All Webroot products are backed by knowledgeable and friendly support experts who will help you through even the toughest spyware problems. Unlike many of our competitors, we offer this online and phone support absolutely FREE.
What more could Willy ask for - now his computer is safe.