Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Smears about Obama Largely True!

News Max - a Conservative online News Gatherer has the following article that people like Ms Anonymous should read. However, in reading this I am sure she would not believe because of the obvious liberal nature that comes through her writing.

The jest of the story is that claims are made against Obama - Obama uses his lawyer language to refute the claims - the claims are researched by people wanting the truth and find that the original claims are mostly truth.

That is the kind of folks that Willy wants leading his country - Twist the Truth for your own benefit Mr. Barack Hussein Obama (sounds like someone that flew into the Twin Towers)

Willy can't take a chance. Check out the link below - if you dare to know the truth! Pay close attention to #10 - He may not be eligible for POTU!

'Smears' About Obama Largely True


Anonymous said...

I did check out the article... I have to say though...
First, you should consider the
source...Newsmax..enough said..
And as you said, the article was by Lowell Ponte, a "conservative" online news gatherer. I prefer to do my fact checking with or politifact.Two good NON-PARTISAN fact checking sources that keep you informed and up to date with all the political rhetoric flying around out there from BOTH sides...

Also, keep in mind, that this article was written by Lowell Ponte,who also wrote back in July 2007 " Does Arizona senator John McCain fulfill our constitutions eligibility requirements to be president?" Like several other prominent American politicians,John McCain was not born in the United States. John Sidney McCain was born on Aug.29 1936 in Coco Solo in the Panama Canal Zone which was controlled by the U.S. in 1936 but is no longer American controlled today.
He goes on to say that Article 2 of the constitution specifies that "No person except a natural born citizen shall be elegible to the office of president." The Constitutionlly mandated term "naturally born citizen" remains subject to reinterpretation by future supreme courts.
He then goes on to say, "Frankly, there is much that seems unnatural and un-american about Sen. John McCain.
He then ends his article with this statement...
"For the safety of America, John McCain should never be president.
If stopping him requires invoking the petty technicality of his Panama Canal Zone birth, then let it be so."

Now bear in mind, these are just some more of Lowell Pontes views, not mine..
Like I said... Consider your sources..
And once again..Just because your name is Hussein, does not make you a Muslim, and just because you are a Muslim, does not make you bad, and just because you are a Muslim, does not make you a terrorist...
Terrorists are extremists and unfortunatly, all religions have a history of extremism...

Jackie said...

Oh my Willy,
I'm glad you posted this. Because I just read the response above and didn't know that McCain technically does not meet the qualifications to be president.

Hummmm....very interesting.

I really appreciate you dropping by and commenting on my picture.

I always love it when you drop in. Even if we do disagree completely politically.

I hope you have a great day...and wow I see you got free from blogger...Congrats on that!

Da Old Man said...

Willy, one thing that I wonder about Obama is this: Since there is some thought he actually is ineligible, based upon the possibility that his mother may have given up her citizenship, and his father is not American, why won't he produce a birth certifiucate. When my state, NJ, initially issues a driver's license, it is necessary to produce a birth certificate. We switched from standard license to a digital photo one, and I had to give them an original birth certificate, despite having always lived in the county where I was born, and having a license for 30 + years.
Why can't/won't this man just go in front of the cameras with his? He is above all that? That certainly speaks much of his character if that is the way he thinks. It certainly reinforces the idea that he considers himself an elitist, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

The Hawg is concerned about Willy. Perhaps you didn't read the memo celebrated by the humble Obama and his sycophants -- he is right and everyone else is wrong.

Get in line, Willy. Get in line before its too late and you are reeducated (for your own good, of course).

lot 2 learn said...

Is the Kool-aid they will be serving us going to be red or green ?

Anonymous said...

lot 2 learn:

It'll be red, representing the communism they want to sell us.