Monday, November 03, 2008

Willy Convicted

Ok - Willy has given the last grief to Obama or McCain. The time has come for Willy to say that his convictions have taken over and the Bible says to pray for and support your leaders.

Willy is resigning himself at this time to support the winner as long as what he does or proposes does not morally conflict with the absolutes of Willy's beliefs.

Yes, it says to pray and support but it does not say you have to agree.

Willy will still voice his opinion with either that is elected when Willy does not agree. But at the end of the day if it is right Willy will support it.

At the end of the day if it is against the moral fiber of America and Willy's absolutes that he will not budge from - Then Willy will protest.

I am talking about either candidate.

Also, note - Willy will not get on a prayer rug and bow to the east for either candidate.

However, be aware that all of this will be easier with one candidate than the other.

10-4 Willy


Kay Dennison said...

Kudos to you, Willie! I am joining you in those sentiments. You're probably praying the same prayers as I am:

For one: God bless him!
For the other: God help us all!

And I suspect you and I are on different sides. However, we are all Americans and this is OUR country and we are charged to work together to keep it the greatest country in the world.

This campaign energized people who never got involved before and that's a good thing and I hope it keeps them interested and involved. There's a lot to be done and we need to keep an eye on whoever is elected to make sure he doesn't forget his promises to us.

And yeah, if the guy who wins messes up, The Kay will stomp her soapbox. I will also applaud him when he's right.

It's time to bury our differences and move forward.

And that's a big 10-4 back to you, good buddy!

Paul Eilers said...

If Obama wins, I will simply tune out politics for the next four years.

Da Old Man said...

If Obama wins, we should be even more vigilant because who knows what he will try to sneak through.

Plowing and Sowing said...

I will pray as well. Not to the east but straight up. He will sneak "stuff" through. We can't back away now, we are going to have to stay diligent and in tune to what is going on. Our battles will be much harder to just stay even, much less "win". I am very concerned about the assault that is coming against homeschoolers and people who cling to their Bibles and guns. I hope things are going well with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

No matter who is in power in any country of the world we are all people of the world and that in itself is a duty that too few of us embrace. No matter what our stable politics are ... how many of us look deeply at what is going on in the world - it is so much easier to be insular and just think about the things that will affect us personally. It is a big wide world and we all deserve, for the safety of those that are born after us to be involved with doing what little we can to making it a better place for us all to live in.

I hope that your new President proves to be good for everyone in America and a worthy individual for the rest of us on this rather magnificent planet.

Anonymous said...

obAMA won. America will be pushed a bit to the left but it is for their own good. America sons and daughters must be brought back from iraq.

Willy said...

It is Willy's belief along with some of the major military leaders that if we do not keep "them' engaged over there that they will be causing major problems on our own soil.

Willy remembers 9-11 and does not want to see a repeat.

10-4 Willy