Saturday, November 08, 2008

Willy is Ticked!

A few posts ago Willy says that he is convicted to pray for our new leaders and would leave it there about Obama!

Well, that is all well and good. But with that aside - there are a couple of things about this whole thing that really ticks Willy off.. and this is not about Obama, it is about our country and the election in general.

Today's local paper has a regional columnist who states that the nation and world now have a perception that the areas in this country who voted predominately republican - the red states on the Map - are White Racists! -

Let me tell you about Willy's white racist blood! - I do not care what color Obama's skin is - by the way my understanding is that his blood is as much white as it is black. What I do care about is and what I voted and what most of the people in the red states voted for was against what they perceived to be a pacifistic, liberal, inexperienced person who wanted to run our country.

Why does that make me a white racist. If it does then it appears that the rest of the country - the blue states are black racists - isn't racism the same regardless of what color it is prejudice against.

The second thing that ticks me off is the fact that their are reports in the public schools that the black children seem to be encouraged and are exercising the idea to flaunt their "blackness" because of Obama's victory.

I am not talking about a pride in their skin color. I am talking about a new racist type of attitude that they are now better than the whites. Yes, it is an attitude that in the 50's, 60's and 70's could be said was an attitude of the "white kids".

So instead of Obama's election bringing a country together, and making it a country where race and gender are not distinguished as being unequal, it seems to be having a negative affect.

Yes, change is being seen already! Change which is stepping us back to a country where the races fear each other and there may be even more racial unrest in our public schools.

Willy thought that racism was in the past. Not sure where we go to from here.

10-4 Willy


Paul Eilers said...

As long as we live in a fallen world, we will have this sort of thing going on.

We humans cannot fix the fallen nature of man. However, we can try to temper our attitudes a little, and not give in when we want to act in a way that is not congruent with how God would like us to be.

There's nothing wrong with having an opinion or expressing it. It is how we go about doing it that makes all the difference in the world.

Kay Dennison said...

I know you're not a racist, Willy and neither are most of your fellow Arkansans. You are right to be angry.

Something I learned long ago is that there are racists and idiots of every size, shape and color. Ignorance and hate knows no color, religion, or ethnic group.

I have had some folks leave some ugly, nasty comments on my blog about my vote. I am an independent and how I vote has to do with my conscience. It's why I use comment moderation. I wouldn't allow such talk in my living room so why should I allow it on my blog?

I advise you to do the same. You are a good man, Willy and I have respected you in that we can agree to disagree sometimes. I am sorry that you are going through this.

10-4 Kay

Da Old Man said...

Willy, it is all just part of the insanity of today.
Keep praying, sir. It may be all we have left.

Betty said...

Well said. I also am tired of being called a racist because I am an Independent that voted against Obama.

I did not want Chicagos thugs running our country and giving my hard earned money to illegals and "poor" who do not pay taxes.

I have never been prejudice against anyone who wants to become a part of this great country and at least attempt to live in harmony.

Sandee said...

This is the politically correct thing that is rearing its ugly head. Whites can no longer have an opinion about anything or we are called racists. While everyone else can say anything they want.

Do you remember all the hubbub going on about illegal aliens a while back? One prominent Hispanic woman said (on air) that only whites can be racists. It's just the way it is because we have allowed it to be.

Have a great day. :)

desperateblogger said...

good point willy. i'm actually wary as to the worldwide effect of obama's presidency.

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for Obama and just because I didn't doesn't mean I'm a racist, people are indeed idiots. I have already seen the attitude you are talking about in school from the biracial children that live in our neighborhood.

Karen and Gerard said...

That is totally stupid to call a white person a racist just for not voting for Obama. There are other reasons not to have voted for this man. One is McCain already has lots of pets, Obama-zero . . . just kidding. Just wanted to lighten things up a bit! It's sad, but some people will always make things about race.