Thursday, April 23, 2009

Willy and the Chicken

Some days Willy just sits and ponders the major thought of life:

Which came first the Chicken or the egg - Who knows - the egg broke and the Chicken was killed crossing the road.

Check out these baby chicks at the Farm Roundup recently - Hope they stay on their own side of the road.
10-4 Willy


Sandee said...

We raised these as a kid and they are so cute when they are little. When they get big not so much. They all tasted really good though.

Have a terrific day Willy. :) said...


Kenno said...

I remember as a child having to run down to the chicken coop every morning and collect the eggs. It was not my favorite job.

But the baby chicks were always fun to play with. I remember my dad hatching a few in the indoor incubator (oven). Believe it or not it worked.

If you have about 50 new born chicks they make a horrible racket.

Sharkbytes said...

I can hear and smell them as I read your blog! Been there, done that.

The Mind of a Mom said...

ohhhhh how cute are they!!
And yummy when they get older with BBQ sauce :o)