Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Funny Newspaper Stories!

Willy done found this story in the Arkansas state Newspaper and thought it might need to be shared.  Note it was another Crazy Hillbilly and not this one that would do something like this.

10-4 Willy


Filched panties found; foster father arrested




   CABOT — The Lonoke County sheriff's office seized nearly 200 pairs of women's undergarments after catching a man they said has been pilfering panties, mostly from neighbors' homes.
   Authorities arrested Michael Connelly, 33, early Saturday morning after they said he broke into a home on Sunnyvale Road in Lonoke County to steal underwear.
   A resident reported chasing Connelly after discovering the intrusion and detained him until sheriff's deputies responded. When deputies arrived, they found underwear in the yard they said Connelly had stolen.
   Lt. Jim Kulesa with the Lonoke County sheriff's office said Connelly, who was wearing a pair of women's underwear when he was arrested, allowed authorities to search his home. That's when they discovered 188 pairs of panties, a couple of sports bras and children's shorts, Kulesa said.
   A resident told neighbors about the panty snatching, which prompted several women to go to the sheriff's office to identify missing undergarments. None of the women wanted the items back, Kulesa said.
   The theft charge will be a misdemeanor "unless they're designer shorts, I guess," Kulesa said, noting more charges are pending.
   Connelly has no prior criminal history, Kulesa said, and he and his wife have been foster parents.
   He said the couple were not caring for any foster children at the time when the underwear was seized. A Department of Human Services spokesman said that when criminal charges are levied against a parent, the state deems their home ineligible for children until the case can be evaluated.
   Connelly was free Monday on $8,000 bond


Unknown said...

Willy, why are you reading stuff like this?????

BIBI said...

YIKES! Well, I know now to lock up my personal 'things' when I leave my house.

PSSST... I have an something for you on my blog. You need to visit sometime to receive it. :}