Friday, January 23, 2009

People Don't understand Willy

Willy believes that people don't understand.

Willy writes to insight people. Willy wants people to think!

Willy's writings are many times satirical and if everything that Willy pens is believed by all to be what Willy really believes than readers are a little fickled.

Willy is not a racist!
Willy is an educated individual - with almost a PHD - almost too educated.
Willy is all for President Obama to succeed - to be anything else would be totally ignorant on Willy's part.
Willy writes to get people to come to his blog.
Willy's purpose of this and other blogs is to make money - not to be a great writer.
Willy sometimes writes quickly and nonsensical to just have a post. -

Willy loves his readers.

Willy will only spread love for the President from here forward.

10-4 Willy


The Mind of a Mom said...

Thank you for sharing part of you with us :o)
There is still a big mystery there but I am sure we will get to know more. I come here for the humor and to see if I can beat everyone in finding you in your travels! LoL

Unknown said...

Like Mind of a Mom, I enjoy your humor. Your posts are enjoyable.

Just a Blogger said...

Which President?

Da Old Man said...

I like your humor, too Willy. Do what you do best. Don't pander to some whiny types.

Paul Eilers said...

I did not vote for Obama. I did watch all of the inauguration, as well as the coverage thereafter.

I do not intend to play nice. However, I will not do like bitter liberals and hate the president just for the sake of hating.

According to the St. Peterburg Times and several other sources, Obama made over 500 promises during his presidential campaign - more than the previous two campaigns combined.

He and his administration deserve the utmost of scrutiny.

Sandee said...

What Paul said Willy. I like your site just fine too. Just have fun. :)

Anonymous said...

Willy is funny.