Thursday, November 01, 2007

Google gives Me Life - Can You Help me now?

On October 24th Willy gave up and declared that "Google Had Me by the Throat" Yes, Willy was using a competing company to try to make money from my blog. Willy likes to write and blog and talk and joke, but Willy also likes to try to make enough off of blogging to pay the internet bills.

Check out the following about this and then this and then view the last paragraph about how Willy wants bloggers to help experiment.

Well, much of Willy's success depended on his PageRank with Google which was not great but was once a 3. Well, as stated in the previous article, It appeared that Google did not like that and decided to strangle Willy and many others by arbitrarily refusing to rank Willy's blogs.

Well, just a few days after that post - in fact middle of last week - my pages with no rank were suddenly ranked again. Mind you Willy did not get totally back to his 3 ranking - but bless Googles heart - they gave Willy something.

Was it because Willy begged and pleaded that Google was taking away his money making ability - I dont know - but something changed.

Kind of gives Willy the creeps - Big Brother Google seems to know all!

Now here is the experiment. Willy wants to see if Google page rank really works in a numerical way as Google explains or is it just something that King Google controls the way King Google wants to.

Google says that pagerank is a numerical function based mainly on how others link to the site. Therefore Willy, in this experiment, wants to get 100 new links from other bloggers to Link back to this post! Simply add a link to your sidebar or mention it in a short post with a link back to

If this does truly increase pagerank Willy will be suprised. Willy may be paranoid but Willy believes that once Google gets your number they manually manipulate your site.

Lets check it out. Willy will report back in one week and immediately if page rank changes.

10-4 Willy


TexasFred said...

You're showing a 2 of 10 now...

On an individual post page you never show page rank, just on the home page, and sad but true, you're using Google as your blog provider, it's free, and you get what you pay for...

Sorry, but that's the reason so many of us went out on our own, domains, hosting and so forth, we got tired of being tied to Google and their ridiculous BS...

Willy said...

I realize that I get page rank only on main page.

However, I want to tackle google - not give in. I was page rank 3 and now I have more links, more posts and more content but Google cuts me back.

Also, Yes I am on there forum. That is the beauty of it. Lets make them do what they say!