Willy's candidate is coming on strong. Mike Huckabee is just like a good horse in a mud race. When it gets muddier he comes out in front.
For those of you doubters, just keep watching and get on board when you can.
Here is some info taken from WSJ on the latest poll in Iowa.
A new poll of Iowa Republicans released yesterday by Rasmussen Reports Inc., a polling firm, put Messrs. Huckabee and Romney neck and neck, with 28% favoring Mr. Huckabee and 25% favoring Mr. Romney. Mr. Giuliani, the national front-runner, is seen as too socially liberal for Iowans and received 12% support in the poll. Former Sen. Fred Thompson had 11% support and other candidates were in the single digits.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Huckabee Leading Iowa!
Posted by
5:30 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Can Willy Dance with the Stars?
Well, today Willy is needing to get back on his diet after all of that Thanksgiving turkey and Willy believes he has the ideal plan. As the little wife is watching Dancing with the Stars, Willy notices from pictures that they show from the first show to now that Marie Osmond looks like she has lost about 3o pounds.
Well, if it works for Marie, Willy believes it will work for him. If Willy dances from now to Christmas, maybe he will lose enough weight that he can afford to eat again. Sounds like a plan.
Ok! Can someone help me get up out of this recliner. One - two - three - four.
Now can somebody get Willy some oxygen.
This may be harder than Willy thought
10-4 Willy
Posted by
8:34 PM
Gustafson Orthopaedics
Do you have joint pain. Pain that never seems to end. Well this site will lead you to someone that can help you to understand about that pain. This site will introduce you to a Dr. Allen Gustafson who is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon renowned for his experience, skill, and accomplishments in joint replacement and reconstruction.
He is the founder and director of Gustafson Orthopaedics and as such Dr. Gustafson, together with his dedicated staff, can provide:
* Thorough evaluation and accurate diagnosis of joint pain
* Effective treatment recommendations
* Patient education resources
* Expert surgical intervention, if needed
* A complete recovery program
Dr. Gustafson specializes in knee and hip replacement and the site is full of information about both.
You might want to check out this site to learn how you can possibly do something about your pain.
Posted by
1:07 PM
Willy and Houston Nutt
This SEC football coaching thing has got to be a good gig. Willy believes that he needs to be a football coach and a smart one like Houston Nutt.
Many people out there say that Houston Nutt aint smart enough to coach. Well, that may be true, but he is smart enough to walk away from a big problem with the fans at the Univerisity of Arkansas with a pot load of money.
Willy needs to take lessons as to how to leave a job and take $3.5 million with him for leaving. Anytime Willy ever left a job he was lucky to get away with a ball point pen.
Must be something about that coaching thing. Man, Willy needs to learn to call some plays.
Hut one! Hut two! Hike - Now give me some money and willy will leave.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
11:44 AM
Friday, November 23, 2007
"Live Free or Die Hard" With AAMCO Special Hollywood Promotion

Here is what they say about the promotion:
Prize Includes:
Round trip airfare and return Airport Transfers In Los Angeles.
The 4* Renaissance Hollywood Hotel is Just steps from the Kodak Theatre, Grauman's Chinese Theatre and The Hollywood Walk of Fame, the 4* Renaissance Hollywood Hotel is THE place to stay. Ultra-stylish, with a sophisticated modern design and breathtaking views of Los Angeles and the Hollywood Hills, this stunning hotel captures the legendary glamour of Hollywood's illustrious past.
This is a hotel that makes every guest feel like a star!
Now no matter how hard you drive your car or truck you can trust your guy at AAMCO to fix it right and be part of the most spectacular, attitude-filled movie of the year.
Visit your local AAMCO service center NOW to enter to win a four-day trip to Hollywood and a day with the Live Free or Die Hard Movie stuntman by clicking on the
Posted by
7:45 AM
Willy and Shopping
Willy knows that this is the busiest shopping day of the year. But Willy also knows that he aint to fond of shopping. So the problem for Willy is --do I go out early and get those bargains and save me bunch of money or do I just stay home and wish I could save all of that money.
Man, Willy hates shopping and all the people that will be out there at 4 AM IN THE MORNING! Well Willy is still undecided about what to do. Get up early and shop - get up early and go hunting - stay in bed.
What would you do if you were Willy - Can somebody turn out the light Willy is trying to sleep. Oh - its 7 am and Willy aint gone shopping yet. Guess, I will roll over in bed and think about it.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
7:41 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
First Friday Weekend Artwalk in the Oldest City
This Hillbilly could get real excited if he could get a trip planned to St. Augustine Florida real soon. You know why....cause of and event called St. Augustine Artwalk.
Yea! Willy knows... most of you rednecks are saying why would an artwalk excite the NASCAR loving Willy. Well, what some of you don't know is the Willy and his little wife like a little culture and to take in culture in a great place like St. Augustine Florida would be exciting.
Yes, they say that the First Friday Weekend Art Walk is great and festive and is one of the many great Events in St. Augustine Florida and these events are soon to come on Friday and Saturday, December 7th and 8th, along with the first Weekend of each month thereafter. At that time the city comes alive with music and art exhibits.
This is what Willy would enjoy. Just to be amongst all the music and art in America’s oldest city on the first Weekend of every month. The art galleries of St. Augustine sponsor FREE, self guided monthly Artwalks, featuring the finest collection of eclectic art in North Florida. Free parking and free Sightseeing Train and Trolley tours are also available. You can explore whatever type of art tickles your fancy: from painting to photography, architecture, music and more.
Dont miss this favorite event, St. Augustine Artwalk. On Friday and Saturday, December 7th and 8th, along with the first Weekend of each month thereafter and due to the generosity of St. Augustine Sightseeing Trains and Old Town Trolley Tours, attendees can enjoy a complimentary ride to several destinations on the ArtWalk. The trains and trolleys come along about every 15 minutes during the First Friday Artwalk Weekend event.
And whats more there is all of the antique shopping opportunities available in the Nation’s Oldest City where the antique district concentrated along San Marco Avenue comes to life with lively street music and endless opportunities to shop for antiques, rare books – even authentic Spanish treasure.
Also, only a short walk away, are additional antique discoveries which can be made along Aviles Street – the oldest street in America. Galleries, antique stores and unique shops between Ripley’s Museum and the Mission of Nombre de Dios
How can it be wrong to go to the Oldest city in America and get a little culture.
Now, how does Willy get to Florida from Arkansas! Got to figure that one out!
Posted by
7:26 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Hillbilly's Passions about the younger work ethic!
Willy finds as he gets older that it is harder for him to resolve himself that the work ethic and pride of work in America is not what it used to be, especially in the younger generation - 35 and under.
Willy says that with some reservation because there are many in that age group that have a passion for what they do and they care to do it in a great way. However, Willy believes that is the minority and not the majority.
Case in fact: In Willy's paying job he has the chance to work closely with realtors, land people, surveyors etc. This week Willy was checking a piece of work that a land surveryor had completed for a mutual client and affected the financing that Willy could do on a piece of property. The surveyor had charged the client about $1,500 for the work that had to be done and done right.
Well, when Willy looked at the survey, there was a very obvious error. When Willy called the surveryor and asked him about it he did not seem the list bit concerned that he had made a critical error. Did not apologize or anything.
Willy asked him to correct and he allowed Willy to drive 15 miles to pick up a new and corrected copy. This is when Willy asked him if he had any obligation to make sure his client was aware of the change and that the client get a corrected copy.
Posted by
9:17 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Huckabee - A Good Name!
Check Out Huckabee! - This is someone that would make a great President!
Posted by
5:27 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Work Traffic - Scary at night!
Traffic coming home in daylight is Scary enough. This is what I face at night. Its good that I am about halfway nightblind. That way I cant see most of this and it doesnt scare me as bad !
Posted by
5:36 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Work Traffic
Posted by
6:02 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Hillbilly for Mike Huckabee
Click here for Email to receive Huckabee BlogRoll- Include site and email address!
I expect that it will change the course of the campaign trail for me to make this declaration. I am off of the Fred bandwagon and on the bandwagon I should have been on all along.
The reason I had not jumped on with Mike before is that I did not think he had a snowballs chance to win. Well, it may still be a slim chance but it is better than it used to be. And yes, I have experienced Mr. Huckabee as a Baptist Preacher (a good one) Leader of the Arkansas Baptist Convention ( a good one) and a Governor of the state of Arkansas ( a good one.)
Mr. Huckabee lines up with my beliefs very well both as a Christian and as my beliefs about a nation - Under God!
I am for Mike. Jump on the band Wagon.
I am starting my own Blogroll of Bloggers for Huckabee. Click Here - give me your blog name and I will add you to the blog and give you the code to add it to your site.
Get on board the early train for Mike!
Posted by
7:14 PM
Conservative Egotistical Footbal Coach - Houston Nutt!
I am a proponent of Firing Houston Nutt. After yesterday's lackluster performance at Tennessee - It is obvious that Arkansas must fire Houston Nutt!
A great example of questionable coaching comes when there is 4th and inches, Arkansas has three of the greatest running backs in college football today and we put the lesser one of them on the field by himself to run into what would undoubtly be a sea of orange.
Peyton Hillis - thanks for the effort - not your fault - What was the coach thinking. Put everyone of your great backs out there and give Tennessee three choices of who to stop.
This youtube video was passed on to me via email. - It expresses many fans sentiments! - Notice it is presented by GUS Light!
Posted by
12:59 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
"The Mist"erious Stephen King - Will it Scare Willy?
Hillbilly Willy realizes that he is a lot like Stephen King after looking at the trailers for The Mist by Stephen King. The things that Mr. King and Willy have in common are that he can scare the pants off of a crazy hillbilly and Willy is a Crazy Hillbilly. So there we are a lot a like.
Willy has watched several Stephen King movies over the years but the best one that Willy truly understood was The Green Mile.
Willy thought The Green Mile was a masterwork. This is film as art, at it's very best. The depth of the cast is extraordinary, with all of the players delivering excellent performances.
There was a clear sense here that all involved in the production knew that this was something special, and gave it their all.
Willy thinks that film is great to watch if you truly enjoy actors giving everything to their craft. Willy believes that Michael Duncan as John Coffey was exceptional. He brings gripping emotion to a unique, fascinating character. (Wow, that sounds pretty profound for a Hillbilly- maybe that degree from Texas A & M is Paying off)
Well, as Willy stated earlier, The Mist by Stephen King is coming to theatres on November 21st. Willy has looked at the trailers and some of the stuff from over there at that Mist Website and it sure looks like another thriller. Maybe all of you NASCAR buddies might want to go over there to that website and take a look. Might even want to go to the movie as long as you dont miss NASCAR race for it.
Hope it doesnt totally make Willy scared out of his pants. That would be embarassing in one of them big ole movie theaters.
Posted by
11:01 AM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Thought For The Day
Did you ever have a day that you felt like this. Couldn't refuse putting this one up. I have a grown Weimernaer and she is a great, loveable, pest. - I can only imagine her getting in this kind of mess.
She was almost a dead mess a while back when we came home and she had undoubtly seen a bug on top of the bed and begin to dig at the bed and ended up with a small hole in the mattress.
Posted by
9:50 PM
Follow up to Willys Cantina Poll - Huckabee?
Below is a poll that Willy took at the Cantina last week. Well, I said at that time that Willy would be coming back to the Cantina to check about how they feel about Mr. Huckabee. Since that time I understand from Juanita that the Rednecks down at the Cantina have been viewing the following Huckabee video to decide what they think about him. Maybe you other rednecks out there might like to view it too!
----------------Huckabee Video below------------
Posted by
9:32 AM
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I Wish I Had Dentemp OS! Tooth Aches, OUCH!
Dentemp OS sounds like a great product to use for temporary dental repair and I wish I had known about it about a year ago when I broke a crown loose.
You see, I was driving in the Delta to a Memphis destination for a fun weekend in the big city. Well, sometimes when I drive I like to suck on "fire ball" hard candy to keep me awake. Well, on this glorius day, I was driving and enjoying my candy when I decided to bite down on the hard rock like fire breathing candy.
Wasn't a good idea. A crown that I had had for several years, near the front of my mouth came loose. I could spit it out and roll it around with my tongue. Not a pretty thought, but also very painful.
Also, not only was it painful but being close to the front of my mouth, if I took it out, people would surely see the gaping hole and stare at it. I was not a happy camper. Pain and embarrassment are not my strong suits.
Well, again if I had known about Dentemp OS, I believe my troubles could have been solved. Here is what they say about their product:
-Provides fast, temporary relief of pain and discomfort.
-Just remove it from its plastic vial and it's ready to use. No Mess! No Mixing! Several Applications in each vial.
-Replaces lost fillings and may be used to temporarily cement loose crowns.
-You can eat on it within 30 minutes of setting.
-All products have been tested and fully comply with FDA Regulations for Oral Care.
Sounds like it could have truly solved the problem!
Posted by
9:38 PM
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Daylight Savings time Confuses Hillbilly Willy
Time change always confuses Hillbilly Willy. I ask the little wife for a week after the change "What time was it before the time changed."
Well, all clocks were wrong this morning. However, I knew that the trusty cell phone changed automatically. It should have changed to the right time last night.
Well instead of going back an hour it went forward an hour. So when it should have been 8:00 on new time and 9:00 old time it said 10:00. Man did that confuse me.
It stayed that way until some time during church. I looked at my cell one time (I wasnt bored) and it said 11:30. About the time the preacher said amen I looked at it and it had corrected itself.
Was the Good Lord trying to tell Willy something?
10-4 Willy
Posted by
6:49 PM
Willies Presidential Poll at the Cantina
Willy done went down to the Possum Grit Road Kill Cantina and Diner today and decided that he would take a little poll on who might win the election. Here is what Willy found:
Who all would vote for Obama, Willy yelled!
All the rednecks yelled "No Way" He wont even wear a flag lapel pin, and he was seen the other day not putting his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. Probably wouldn't have saluted even if Faith Hill was singing it.
Why right after 9-11 when we were riding around with the American and rebel flag in the back of our pickup trucks and shooting our guns off ---He probably would have wanted to arrest us.
We had rather kick his A%# than to vote for him. Your kidding me he may be Un-American. Besides His name Obama - makes me think of that sucker Osama Bin Laden.
They aint kin are they?
Who would vote for Hillary Clinton - Willy Yelled? Ain't no way! All of the redneck women yelled as they played pool in their Daisy Dukes and drank their Long Necks. Heck! Juanita (the head waitress) screamed loudly! She done made fun again of us Women.
She says that those other guys are piling on her because she is a woman.
Best I can tell - she dont dress, like a women, she dont act like a women, she probably cant cook and there aint one technical thing that makes her a woman...she has long hair! But heck some of them football players have long hair, so I aint sure that this even qualifys her.
Well Willy seen that this vote thing wasn't going right and so he tried one last thing.
What about Fred Thompson Willy Yelled?
Suddenly all of the rednecks, men and women begin to chant "Freddy - Freddy - Freddy"
The wheels on a couple of semi's out on the interstate in front of the Cantina squeeled to a stop.
For you See Juanita had been broadcasting this vote over the CB radio. The Semis begin to blow their horns in unison with the chant.
Suddenly - the CB in the background begin to chant a cry from all of the truckers from 40 miles away "Freddy - Freddy - Freddy"
Who do you reckon these folks are far was going through Willys mind.
Maybe Willy will go back to the diner next week and see what they might say about some of the other candidates like the old Hukster - Mike Huckabee!
10-4 I am out of here - Hillbilly Willy
Posted by
3:27 PM
Labels: Hillary Clinton
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Willy in a Sleep Number Bed - Sounds Great!
Willy done wants him one of those sleep number bed. Willy thinks he is a 17 in a sleep number bed. Willy aint never tried one but his kids slept in a fancy motel one time that had a sleep number bed. They said it was real great!
Well, Willy has a bad back and they say that this type of bed could really help because Sleep Number beds allow you to adjust the overall firmness or softness of the mattress from 0-99 in order to find your ideal combination of comfort and support. Willy likes lots of comfort and support.
Sleep Number Beds are adjustable and comfortable. The quiet, Digital Numeric Inflation System allows you to adjust the softness or firmness of the mattress with the simple push of a button. Mattresses are also available that allow you to adjust each side of the mattress separately.
All that sounds real fancy and inviting, and all that Willy knows is that if it makes me sleep like a baby then it is something that Willy needs.
So Willy says:
Sleep number beds
are mighty great
Makes Willy want sleep to very late.
If you would get
a sleep number bed
There you would want to lay your head.
You would stay there
all the time
And make you up
a Sleep number rhyme!
How about you! Don't you want a sleep number bed in your home?
10-4 Willy
Posted by
1:00 PM
Caption this One - Hillary Clinton

Posted by
6:58 AM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Google gives Me Life - Can You Help me now?
Posted by
9:28 PM
Labels: google
iFLOOR Unveils $1,000,000 Flooring Warranty
Check out iFLOOR website. They are offering a $1,000,000 warranty to protect customers from manufacturers who deny warranty claims for flooring purchased online.It might save you a lot of money on floor warrantys. If you would like to know more about them here is a press release:
iFLOOR, America's largest online flooring retailer, today announced a $1,000,000 limited warranty designed to protect its customers from predatory manufacturer policies that exclude warranty coverage from online purchases.
The policy, which goes into effect immediately, offers up to one million dollars of coverage in the event that a customer's warranty claim is denied specifically because they made their purchase online. It is complimentary for every iFLOOR customer, and protects the buyer under the same terms as the original product warranty.
iFLOOR, Inc. CEO, Steve Simonson, came up with the program to combat "scare tactics" used by manufacturers of hardwood floors and laminate flooring. "Their idea is to discourage you from buying at a discount!" wrote Simonson in his blog "It's About Flooring". "This is not right! You deserve to save money! So we're going to take care of this problem once and for all."
And it would appear that federal law is on his side. Section 108 of the 1975 Magnuson-Moss Act, states that, "In general, tie-in sales provisions are not allowed. Such a provision would require a purchaser of the warranted product to buy an item or service from a particular company to use with the warranted product in order to be eligible to receive a remedy under the warranty."
Under iFLOOR's new warranty, a key provision allows for iFLOOR to "seek justice" on behalf of the customer in the event of legal action. According to Simonson, "I'm putting iFLOOR's money where my mouth is."
About iFLOOR, Inc.
Since 1998, iFLOOR.com has been the leading online and retail flooring company, with 36 local retail stores nationwide offering more than 70,000 products, including hardwood floors, laminate flooring, bamboo flooring and cork floors. iFLOOR.com is the largest online flooring retailer according to Internet Retailer Magazine, and was named by Inc. Magazine as one of the fastest growing private companies in the United States for the past three years. Committed to quality customer service, superior selection and friendly expert advice, iFLOOR.com enables customers to buy flooring both online and in its retail stores at a substantial savings over traditional retailers. For more information about iFLOOR, please visit www.iFLOOR.com.
Well that is about all that Willy knows on this subject.
10-4 Willy
Posted by
9:18 PM
Labels: PayPerPost